ms + hs small groups

What Are 707 Groups?

The 707 program is a network of small groups designed for students in 6th through 12th grade. A 707 group is made up of either all girls or all guys who are in the same grade. Groups meet once a week during the school year at 7:07 am and are facilitated by two adult leaders who provide Bible study lessons, mentorship, and activities to encourage friendship and support between members of the group. According to Barna research, students need seven positive adult Christian influences for their faith to stick. The 707 program gives students two out of the seven positive adult influences!

Currently, there are about 120 leaders and 530 students involved in the 707 program in the Glynn County area. The groups meet in local restaurants, coffee shops, homes, schools and churches in the community. Ideally, each 707 group will meet weekly during the school year until the students graduate from high school. The dynamics of these groups are all very different and can change over the years, but the consistent factors in all of the groups are faith, mentorship, and community!

Join a 707 Group         Parent Consent Form

How do 707s Impact Students?

Hear the story of how mentorship through a 707 group helped Jack Podlesny navigate through his high school years onto the football field as the kicker for the UGA DAWGS. He describes how what he learned in his 707 group remains foundational to his faith walk today and how his 707 leaders still encourage him through prayer and conversations focused on Biblical principles.

What Is A 707 Leader?

A 707 Leader is someone who is growing in their relationship with Christ and is an active member of a local church congregation. 707 Leaders commit to mentoring a group of teens from 6th-12th grade by meeting with them once a week before school. The Gathering Place staff is committed to equip and support 707 Leaders in their ministry. Leading a 707 group is a great way to make a lasting impact in the lives of students!

Want To Become A 707 Leader?

Please read over the 707 Leader Guide and 707 Standards and Commitment.  After reading and reviewing this material please fill out an application and submit it with the background check authorization.  Once all documents are received you will be contacted by the 707 Director.

Download The 707 Leader’s Guide

 707 Leaders Standards

 Leader Application